Thursday, February 19, 2009

Who's normal anyway?

I'm getting addicted to this place. Its brilliant. I guess it allows people to jot down their wacky thoughts, well that's what it is for me just now anyway. Everyone has insecurities - even the most rock solid individual has their little issues and truly? I refuse to believe otherwise.

I'm single and I'm also admittedly a dreamer. At 34 I'm worried that a little cynicism is clouding my sunshine and the clowning kid that was is not seen so often any more. Maybe the clown was a cover anyway....Probably.

I'd like to fix things a little. The ironic thing is that I'm not unhappy. I have cash in my pocket, a place of my own, allegedly a brain in my head and I have possibly too much time to myself.

Being a fussy bugger is a good thing but for me its a real pain in the arse. Normal guys like normal girls. I don't. That means I'm either a bloody peculiar guy or I like unusual girls... Which I guess either way you look at it means I'm peculiar. The other slant of course is that it could mean I'm honest or that every other man on the planet is scared about their true 'desires'. My desires I guess are not that 'weird' - thank goodness.

For some unknown reason I think muscular girls are incredibly appealing. No idea why. I just realised as a kid that your normal 'super model' didn't do it for me. I look after myself OK but not to extremes. I don't take drugs but am guilty of the occasional binge drinking session. I don't eat too much rubbish but can inhale a block of chocolate or wolf down fish n chips from time to time. Being in shape is important to me and it is what I look for in any potential partner. Why the hell I find female body builders so appealing is a loss to me but its the way it is. Needle in haystack? Er...Yes. Not sure how I'm wired exactly. My ego is in check. The idea of a female partner who can bench press more than I can doesn't worry me at all. Actually I think its great. Before you finalise your judgements though..I'm not a 100% submissive guy, I'm not a skinny 'was beaten up by girls at school' guy and I'm not gay. I just like pumped up girls. The girl in the picture? Yep, that works. Yeah I know!!! 0800 Braindoctor? Ha..It's just the way it is...

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