Sunday, February 22, 2009

In sickness and in health?

Driving down Durham Street on Saturday I saw on my left a lovely looking young bride accompanied by what looked to me like three equally good looking young bridesmaids. "Another silly fucker" I uttered to myself as I drove past. It was like a reflex reaction to what I saw, an automatic 'without thought' response and it shocked me to the point of justification. Why did I say that!? Come ON James, be fair?

With my opinions I generally question myself as if somebody else was challenging any view I have, try to look at things from another angle...I do it to affirm my view or in rare cases, modify it.

Marriage. It doesn't make any sense to me at all. It's a bookies dream because there are so many variables and so much you cannot know and yet it is the single most important commitment people make to each other. So, I'd be happy to take bets on most marriages. They may last but isn't that possibly due to a fear? Codependency maybe? I mean people locked into relationships can't bare to be alone right? How many marriages are happy ones? In New Zealand last year about 20,000 people got married. About 10,000 divorced. Doesn't seem like people are too committed to marriage at all to me.

'Where there is no trust there is no love' must be one of the truest statements. If you trust somebody, why do you have to sign a damn register to prove it? How many people do you know that stuffed a relationship because one party was 'hiding' something from the other - be it an affair, alcoholism, S&M fetish or something else? Well...It's not uncommon - just ask Hugh Grant. So, that means that in relationships people aren't (always) honest. I'd go further. People aren't reliable. Then again if you are happy with the one you are with, aren't checked by paranoia because of what may or may not be then 'great!', no no i mean 'You lucky lucky bastard'...But you don't need to risk making a dick of yourself in front of 100 people do you? No. You've got the one, the boy or girl that does it for you so go and enjoy yourselves and best of luck to you..

If you meet the one and you truly know it's forever, I'm happy for you. Who are you proving it to if you get married you idiot?

If you want to play the slot machines then that's your choice. People change, people get old and people aren't always honest. That's just 3 variables. Put your coin in the marriage machine and your chances of the jackpot are worse than your chance of winning the lottery. There are so many variables you will need a computer to know how many. It's people you see?: They're ridiculously complex things. I used to play the chance game as a school teacher. A $20 note was up for grabs and the all the kids had to do was pick 4 numbers 0-9 in the same order as me. I never lost.

How many of you would put $1000 bet on a coin toss? See - you're not so silly after all. OK, now talk me through the logic of marriage? Er...

Here's another slant to it: Cage a wild animal and it will try to get out right?.... I've said enough. Love her / him but don't be a fool. If you are to be a fool, I truly hope you do hit the Jackpot (really). I don't rate your chances* but I hope those dice keep rolling a six for you.

*I believe in probability. It's smart to work out your chance of success before you stake your future on it.

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