Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Foul play or playing the game?

Lawyers and accountants. Proponents of dark arts. That's what I *think* anyway. You see, what I don't understand is why an individual can operate as an individual, earn a wage, pay the bills and maybe save some money and yet an individual can also operate as a 'company', earn a larger wage (frankly), and get away with paying reduced bills.
I'm a linear thinker, so in my book if you eat twice, you pay twice. Simple as that really? So why is it that society allows some people to structure their finances to A) dodge tax and B) Qualify for greater state benefits? Which idiot allowed that to happen? It is simply not fair.
Of course the game the game the game...If you play smart you can dodge right? Legal fraudsters I say and you should all be shot.
I like the Norwegian tax system. There is complete transparency on tax paid, income earned and net worth for all tax residents and for me (on the surface at least) it is the solution for tax avoidance.
I don't know how people can become lawyers or accountants. They must have a facility to activate a blind spot with regard to ethics and morals and that disgusts me. Are there any accountants or lawyer that have not acted professionally in a non ethical manner. I don't believe you if you say so. Most people never bite the hand that feeds you see. Lawyers and accountants are paid to work for the benefit of their clients and keep their mouths shut. Surely that's a conflict of interest if you have a conscience? Begone you evil buggers.
So, foul play or playing the game? I prefer foul play. At least it's visible and some sort of admission. Hmmm.