Sunday, May 17, 2009

When do you know?

For me, this is a very selfish place where thoughts crystallize. It's my equivalent of a cigarette - just a place i go and think for a few minutes every now and then. Sometimes its as If I need a lot of smokes and at other times I've virtually kicked the habit.
I've met a girl. She's lovely. The difficulty is that I habitually look for the bad in a person and then satisfy myself that they don't belong on my 'A' list. ridiculous but true. Clare hasn't pissed me off yet and that surprises me because i'm such a grumpy bastard.
I'm 35 and I have dreams and ideals for the remainder of my life. Surely that's normal (?). With relationships my worry has always been that you are in a relationship and then you meet else who you consider to be better, faster, stronger, fitter....OK I'll stop - you get the idea.
I'd like a little help here. When do you know that its time to park up?
She's beautiful isn't she?