Thursday, March 26, 2009

Play the ball

Dating sites. Aren't they queer places? So, I'm on two sites and my profiles are loosely similar. You'll have to look to tell me what you think of course. the odd thing about dating sites is that despite the anonymity its generally guys that fire the 1st emails and generally girls that ignore them - just like 'real' life at the bars...Am I wrong?

I am looking for bites here but I do believe that more guys buy drinks for females than females buy for guys. Is that sexist and if so, which sex is being sexist?
So anyway, the dating profiles. I'm a good guy (no really - I am) but the most sexually suggestive and yet most hidden of my profiles gets the attention. The more 'genuine' one gets very little. What to feel about that I don't know. What I do know however is that a lot of guys are slime balls, send lurid pictures of their genitalia at the first chance, post pictures that do not resemble themselves in the slightest and try to hit on women at the first meeting like its the way to behave. They make my life hard on the dating circuit. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Angel but if I'm not wanted I'll leave the girl alone and deal with the 'rejection' (if it is rejection) like an adult rather than a bruised ego'd brat.
I'm wondering what the story is. The 'nice guy' profile gets nothing. The darker one gets some...They're both very very honest but the darker one is a profile your Mother would suggest you avoid.

A prominent NZ Sports Radio presenter called Brendan Telfer took ill the other day. He's a guy that says some stupid things during talk back radio (in my opinion) but a discussion about him (on air)was worth listening to. It was agreed in a very polite way that Brendan does have some unique views and his method of disagreeing with callers has many wondering if he is alright in the head. However he does have an ability to argue a point but that he always 'plays the ball - not the man'. A sporting analogy but the point made was that he can argue & disagree to the nth degree and then after the discussion go and have a beer with the very same person he has argued vociferously with. I wish I could do that...Sometimes the argument taints the person for me and I wish it didn't. Hmm mm. Thanks for reading.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The DIY Mechanic

Far too many people take themselves seriously I reckon. I do too but do my very best to limit it.

So, 'idiot' here decided to change his brake pads on his truck today and made a right balls up of it. For some unknown damn reason I released the bleed valve and now the frikkin truck won't stop. What a moron. WHAT A MORON!

If you ever feel the need to so the same..

Oh and its not a one man job if you stuff it up like I did, which is why I'll be asking a friend for their help tomorrow. Duh. I'm smiling! (Bloody idiot).

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gym Etiquette

Nothing is so interesting for me as people. Still images where faces and expressions are unknowingly captured in times of thought are just fantastic. You can tell so much from a face.
Equally as interesting are the faces of people in public; at the airport, walking through the mall, sitting at a cafe or working out at a gym. All are fascinating places to see expressions and imagery and utter nonsense as folk 'reinvent' themselves in real time. I'm smiling by the way.
So, the gym - a place that saves my bacon maybe 4 or 5 days a week. Its the place where I can rid myself of anything that is winding me up..almost.
It's generally guys that suffer dramatic physiological issues at the gym - created by massive mental panics about image. Girls suffer too but their ego's seem to to deal with it better. I'm not sure what happens as a male walks through the gym door but they seem to have difficulty walking properly and in fact need to slow down as if walking on the moon, carrying eggs under their armpits and at all times wear a scowl that would befit a WWE smackdown star. That's even before they grab the dumbbell that is far too heavy and begin wrecking themselves.
Ugh. I smile because I know you understand exactly what I mean. Guys in gyms - what are they like?